{k_n}^2 = \frac{{ω_n}^2}{{c_o}^2}=[\frac{n_1\pi}{L_1}]^2+[\frac{n_2\pi}{L_2}]^2+[\frac{n_3\pi}{L_3}]^2
{\psi_n}=\sqrt{\epsilon_1 \epsilon_2 \epsilon_3} \ cos{\frac{n_1\pi x_1}{L_1}} \ cos{\frac{n_2\pi x_2}{L_2}} \ cos{\frac{n_3\pi x_3}{L_3}}
L_1 > L_2 > L_3
if \(n_{axis} = 0\) , \( \epsilon_{axis} = 1 \)
elseif \(n_1=n_2=n_3 = 0 \)、\( \epsilon_{axis} = 0 \)
else \(n_{axis} \neq 0 \), \( \epsilon_{axis} = 2 \)
振動のモード法で説明したのと同様に、音響についてもモードベクトルの重ね合わせで音場を表現できます。そのため上記ψが計算できれば、音場を表現することができます。また、入力点から応答点(受音点)までの周波数応答関数(Frequency Response Function:FRF)を計算することができるようになります。
今回はこのへんでGood luck
clear all % % % % size of rectangular parallelopiped L1=3; L2=2; L3=1; V=L1*L2*L3; % % % % Constant value co=344; rho=1.205; % % % % modal numbers n_max=100; Combi=combinator(n_max,3,'p','r')-1; % % % % setting max frequency f_max=10*10^3; % % % % xi xi=[0.5 0.5 0.5]; % % % % function wn [wn]=angular_frequency(Combi,L1,L2,L3,co); % % % % function psi psi(modal number , x_number) [psi]=Psi(xi_front,Combi,L1,L2,L3); [wn,I] =sortrows(wn);
function [wn]=angular_frequency(Combi,L1,L2,L3,co) wn=zeros(size(Combi,1),1); for n=1:size(Combi,1) wn(n,1)=..... co*sqrt(.... (Combi(n,1)*pi/L1)^2..... + (Combi(n,2)*pi/L2)^2..... + (Combi(n,3)*pi/L3)^2..... ); end end
function [psix]=Psi(xi,Combi,L1,L2,L3) psix=zeros(size(Combi,1),size(xi,1)); for nx=1:size(xi,1) for n=1:size(Combi,1) if Combi(n,1)==0 e1=1; else e1=2; end if Combi(n,2)==0 e2=1; else e2=2; end if Combi(n,3)==0 e3=1; else e3=2; end psix( n , nx )=..... sqrt(e1*e2*e3)*.... cos(Combi(n,1)*pi* xi(nx,1)/L1)*.... cos(Combi(n,2)*pi* xi(nx,2)/L2)*.... cos(Combi(n,3)*pi* xi(nx,3)/L3); end end end
MATLAB centralより
function [A] = combinator(N,K,s1,s2) %COMBINATOR Perform basic permutation and combination samplings. % COMBINATOR will return one of 4 different samplings on the set 1:N, % taken K at a time. These samplings are given as follows: % % PERMUTATIONS WITH REPETITION/REPLACEMENT % COMBINATOR(N,K,'p','r') -- N >= 1, K >= 0 % PERMUTATIONS WITHOUT REPETITION/REPLACEMENT % COMBINATOR(N,K,'p') -- N >= 1, N >= K >= 0 % COMBINATIONS WITH REPETITION/REPLACEMENT % COMBINATOR(N,K,'c','r') -- N >= 1, K >= 0 % COMBINATIONS WITHOUT REPETITION/REPLACEMENT % COMBINATOR(N,K,'c') -- N >= 1, N >= K >= 0 % % Example: % % To see the subset relationships, do this: % combinator(4,2,'p','r') % Permutations with repetition % combinator(4,2,'p') % Permutations without repetition % combinator(4,2,'c','r') % Combinations with repetition % combinator(4,2,'c') % Combinations without repetition % % % If it is desired to use a set other than 1:N, simply use the output from % COMBINATOR as an index into the set of interest. For example: % % MySet = ['a' 'b' 'c' 'd']; % MySetperms = combinator(length(MySet),3,'p','r'); % Take 3 at a time. % MySetperms = MySet(MySetperms) % % % Class support for input N: % float: double, single % integers: int8,int16,int32 % % % Notes: % All of these algorithms have the potential to create VERY large outputs. % In each subfunction there is an anonymous function which can be used to % calculate the number of row which will appear in the output. If a rather % large output is expected, consider using an integer class to conserve % memory. For example: % % M = combinator(int8(30),3,'p','r'); % NOT uint8(30) % % will take up 1/8 the memory as passing the 30 as a double. See the note % below on using the MEX-File. % % To make your own code easier to read, the fourth argument can be any % string. If the string begins with an 'r' (or 'R'), the function % will be called with the replacement/repetition algorithm. If not, the % string will be ignored. % For instance, you could use: 'No replacement', or 'Repetition allowed' % If only two inputs are used, the function will assume 'p','r'. % The third argument must begin with either a 'p' or a 'c' but can be any % string beyond that. % % The permutations with repetitions algorithm uses cumsum. So does the % combinations without repetition algorithm for the special case of K=2. % Unfortunately, MATLAB does not allow cumsum to work with integer classes. % Thus a subfunction has been placed at the end for the case when these % classes are passed. The subfunction will automatically pass the % necessary matrix to the built-in cumsum when a single or double is used. % When an integer class is used, the subfunction first looks to see if the % accompanying MEX-File (cumsumall.cpp) has been compiled. If not, % then a MATLAB For loop is used to perform the cumsumming. This is % VERY slow! Therefore it is recommended to compile the MEX-File when % using integer classes. % The MEX-File was tested by the author using the Borland 5.5 C++ compiler. % % See also, perms, nchoosek, npermutek (on the FEX) % % Author: Matt Fig % Contact: popkenai@yahoo.com % Date: 5/30/2009 % % Reference: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BallPicking.html ng = nargin; if ng == 2 s1 = 'p'; s2 = 'r'; elseif ng == 3 s2 = 'n'; elseif ng ~= 4 error('Only 2, 3 or 4 inputs are allowed. See help.') end if isempty(N) || K == 0 A = []; return elseif numel(N)~=1 || N<=0 || ~isreal(N) || floor(N) ~= N error('N should be one real, positive integer. See help.') elseif numel(K)~=1 || K<0 || ~isreal(K) || floor(K) ~= K error('K should be one real non-negative integer. See help.') end STR = lower(s1(1)); % We are only interested in the first letter. if ~strcmpi(s2(1),'r') STR = [STR,'n']; else STR = [STR,'r']; end try switch STR case 'pr' A = perms_rep(N,K); % strings case 'pn' A = perms_no_rep(N,K); % permutations case 'cr' A = combs_rep(N,K); % multichoose case 'cn' A = combs_no_rep(N,K); % choose otherwise error('Unknown option passed. See help') end catch rethrow(lasterror) % Throw error from here, not subfunction. % The only error thrown should be K>N for non-replacement calls. end function PR = perms_rep(N,K) % This is (basically) the same as npermutek found on the FEX. It is the % fastest way to calculate these (in MATLAB) that I know. % pr = @(N,K) N^K; Number of rows. % A speed comparison could be made with COMBN.m, found on the FEX. This % is an excellent code which uses ndgrid. COMBN is written by Jos. % % % All timings represent the best of 4 consecutive runs. % % All timings shown in subfunction notes used this configuration: % % 2007a 64-bit, Intel Xeon, win xp 64, 16 GB RAM % tic,Tc = combinator(single(9),7,'p','r');toc % %Elapsed time is 0.199397 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block % tic,Tj = combn(single(1:9),7);toc % %Elapsed time is 0.934780 seconds. % isequal(Tc,Tj) % Yes if N==1 PR = ones(1,K,class(N)); return elseif K==1 PR = (1:N).'; return end CN = class(N); M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing. L = M^K; % This is the number of rows the outputs will have. PR = zeros(L,K,CN); % Preallocation. D = ones(1,N-1,CN); % Use this for cumsumming later. LD = M-1; % See comment on N. VL = [-(N-1) D].'; % These values will be put into PR. % Now start building the matrix. TMP = VL(:,ones(L/M,1,CN)); % Instead of repmatting. PR(:,K) = TMP(:); % We don't need to do two these in loop. PR(1:M^(K-1):L,1) = VL; % The first column is the simplest. % Here we have to build the cols of PR the rest of the way. for ii = K-1:-1:2 ROWS = 1:M^(ii-1):L; % Indices into the rows for this col. TMP = VL(:,ones(length(ROWS)/(LD+1),1,CN)); % Match dimension. PR(ROWS,K-ii+1) = TMP(:); % Build it up, insert values. end PR(1,:) = 1; % For proper cumsumming. PR = cumsum2(PR); % This is the time hog. function PN = perms_no_rep(N,K) % Subfunction: permutations without replacement. % Uses the algorithm in combs_no_rep as a basis, then permutes each row. % pn = @(N,K) prod(1:N)/(prod(1:(N-K))); Number of rows. if N==K PN = perms_loop(N); % Call helper function. % [id,id] = sort(PN(:,1)); %#ok Not nec., uncomment for nice order. % PN = PN(id,:); % Return values. return elseif K==1 PN = (1:N).'; % Easy case. return end if K>N % Since there is no replacement, this cannot happen. error(['When no repetitions are allowed, '... 'K must be less than or equal to N']) end M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing. WV = 1:K; % Working vector. lim = K; % Sets the limit for working index. inc = 1; % Controls which element of WV is being worked on. BC = prod(M-K+1:M); % Pre-allocation of return arg. BC1 = BC / ( prod(1:K)); % Number of comb blocks. PN = zeros(round(BC),K,class(N)); L = prod(1:K) ; % To get the size of the blocks. cnt = 1+L; P = perms_loop(K); % Only need to use this once. PN(1:(1+L-1),:) = WV(P); % The first row. for ii = 2:(BC1 - 1); if logical((inc+lim)-N) % The logical is nec. for class single(?) stp = inc; % This is where the for loop below stops. flg = 0; % Used for resetting inc. else stp = 1; flg = 1; end for jj = 1:stp WV(K + jj - inc) = lim + jj; % Faster than a vector assignment! end PN(cnt:(cnt+L-1),:) = WV(P); % Assign block. cnt = cnt + L; % Increment base index. inc = inc*flg + 1; % Increment the counter. lim = WV(K - inc + 1 ); % lim for next run. end V = (N-K+1):N; % Final vector. PN(cnt:(cnt+L-1),:) = V(P); % Fill final block. % The sorting below is NOT necessary. If you prefer this nice % order, the next two lines can be un-commented. % [id,id] = sort(PN(:,1)); %#ok This is not necessary! % PN = PN(id,:); % Return values. function P = perms_loop(N) % Helper function to perms_no_rep. This is basically the same as the % MATLAB function perms. It has been un-recursed for a runtime of around % half the recursive version found in perms.m For example: % % tic,Tp = perms(1:9);toc % %Elapsed time is 0.222111 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block % tic,Tc = combinator(9,9,'p');toc % %Elapsed time is 0.143219 seconds. % isequal(Tc,Tp) % Yes M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing. P = 1; % Initializer. G = cumprod(1:(M-1)); % Holds the sizes of P. CN = class(N); for n = 2:M q = P; m = G(n-1); P = zeros(n*m,n,CN); P(1:m, 1) = n; P(1:m, 2:n) = q; a = m + 1; for ii = n-1:-1:1, t = q; t(t == ii) = n; b = a + m - 1; P(a:b, 1) = ii; P(a:b, 2:n) = t; a = b + 1; end end function CR = combs_rep(N,K) % Subfunction multichoose: combinations with replacement. % cr = @(N,K) prod((N):(N+K-1))/(prod(1:K)); Number of rows. M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing. WV = ones(1,K,class(N)); % This is the working vector. mch = prod((M:(M+K-1)) ./ (1:K)); % Pre-allocation. CR = ones(round(mch),K,class(N)); for ii = 2:mch if WV(K) == N cnt = K-1; % Work backwards in WV. while WV(cnt) == N cnt = cnt-1; % Work backwards in WV. end WV(cnt:K) = WV(cnt) + 1; % Fill forward. else WV(K) = WV(K)+1; % Keep working in this group. end CR(ii,:) = WV; end function CN = combs_no_rep(N,K) % Subfunction choose: combinations w/o replacement. % cn = @(N,K) prod(N-K+1:N)/(prod(1:K)); Number of rows. % Same output as the MATLAB function nchoosek(1:N,K), but often faster for % larger N. % For example: % % tic,Tn = nchoosek(1:17,8);toc % %Elapsed time is 0.430216 seconds. Allow Ctrl+T+C+R on block % tic,Tc = combinator(17,8,'c');toc % %Elapsed time is 0.024438 seconds. % isequal(Tc,Tn) % Yes if K>N error(['When no repetitions are allowed, '... 'K must be less than or equal to N']) end M = double(N); % Single will give us trouble on indexing. if K == 1 CN =(1:N).'; % These are simple cases. return elseif K == N CN = (1:N); return elseif K==2 && N>2 % This is an easy case to do quickly. BC = (M-1)*M / 2; id1 = cumsum2((M-1):-1:2)+1; CN = zeros(BC,2,class(N)); CN(:,2) = 1; CN(1,:) = [1 2]; CN(id1,1) = 1; CN(id1,2) = -((N-3):-1:0); CN = cumsum2(CN); return end WV = 1:K; % Working vector. lim = K; % Sets the limit for working index. inc = 1; % Controls which element of WV is being worked on. BC = prod(M-K+1:M) / (prod(1:K)); % Pre-allocation. CN = zeros(round(BC),K,class(N)); CN(1,:) = WV; % The first row. for ii = 2:(BC - 1); if logical((inc+lim)-N) % The logical is nec. for class single(?) stp = inc; % This is where the for loop below stops. flg = 0; % Used for resetting inc. else stp = 1; flg = 1; end for jj = 1:stp WV(K + jj - inc) = lim + jj; % Faster than a vector assignment. end CN(ii,:) = WV; % Make assignment. inc = inc*flg + 1; % Increment the counter. lim = WV(K - inc + 1 ); % lim for next run. end CN(ii+1,:) = (N-K+1):N; function A = cumsum2(A) %CUMSUM2, works with integer classes. % Duplicates the action of cumsum, but for integer classes. % If Matlab ever allows cumsum to work for integer classes, we can remove % this. if isfloat(A) A = cumsum(A); % For single and double, use built-in. return else try A = cumsumall(A); % User has the MEX-File ready? catch warning('Cumsumming by loop. MEX cumsumall.cpp for speed.') %#ok for ii = 2:size(A,1) A(ii,:) = A(ii,:) + A(ii-1,:); % User likes it slow. end end end