
今回紹介するPlanarityという音場最適化手法はイギリスのサリー大学(University of Surrey)のSpeech and Signal Processing というグループが発表したものです。
Audio Engineering Societyという学会に参加したときに、この手法の発表をしていました。
Planarityを簡単に説明すると、過去の記事で紹介した”Acoustic Contrast Optimization”と”Lease Squares Optimization”の良いとこ取りができそうな手法です。
Philip Coleman, Philip Jackson, Marek Olik, and Abildgaard Pedersen, “Optimizing the planarity of sound zones”, AES 52nd International conference, Guildford UK, September 2-4 2013.
ちなみに、上記の論文では”Lease Squares Optimization”のことを”Pressure matching”と呼んでいます。また、”Planarity”は”Acoustic Contrast Optimization”の派生形なので、”Acoustic Contrast with Planarity Optimization”と呼んでいる論文もあります。
“Acoustic Contrast Optimization”はAcoustic Contrastを最大にする音場最適化手法でした。そのため、Acoustic Contrastを最大することはできますが、「音を聴く環境としてはどうなの?」という疑問があります。
この”Acoustic Contrast Optimization”の課題を平面波が伝搬するような音場を構成できるように改良しよう!というのがPlanarityのコンセプトです
J_{ACP} = q^H G_D^H G_D q + λ_{C}(q^H G_D^H H_B^H Γ H_B G_D q -B) + λ_{M}(q^H q – E_m)
ちなみに、”Acoustic Contrast Optimization”の評価関数J_ACは下式です。
J_{AC} = q^H G_D^H G_D q + λ_{C}(q^H G_D^H G_D q -B) + λ_{M}(q^H q – E_m)
“Acoustic Contrast Optimization”の評価関数にH_BとΓを足しただけですね。
h_1 \\
\vdots \\
h_i \\
\vdots \\
(S_i^H S_i+βI)^{-1} P_i^H P_i
P_i=( g_{p,c} ) , S_i=( g_{s,c} )
g_{i,c} = \frac{e^{j k r_c u_i} p_B}{L_B}
u_i = \left(
sinφ \\
図1 論文の解析条件
解析結果を図2に示します。subplot(2,1,1-3)が音圧分布でsubplot(2,1,4-6)が位相の分布図です。この解析の目的は、ゾーンの前方から音が聞こえるように音場を制御することです。PC(Planarity Control)では前方から後方(図の上から下方向)に音が伝搬しています。ACC(Acoustic Contrast Control)では音の方向は定まっていません。PCandACC(Pressure matching Control and Acoustic Contrast Control)では似せたような解析はできますが、すこし、前方ではなく、少し斜めに音が伝搬しています。
図2 論文の検証結果
ちなみに、PCandACC(Pressure matching Control and Acoustic Contrast Control)は”Acoustic Contrast Optimization”の評価関数と重み係数を乗じた”Lease Squares Optimization”の評価関数を合体させた音場最適化手法です。
サリー大学では「PlanarityはAcoustic Contrastを高く保ちつつ、ブライトゾーンの音場環境をデザインできる手法」と主張しています。
Acoustic Contrastを高く保ててるか気になりますよね?気になる方は自分で計算してみてください。
今回はこのへんでGood luck
function [G]=cell_matrix(G0,N1,N2,f) %cell_matrix %It transform from cell to matrix. %for example %G--->{2,2}(1:10) %G{1,1}(1)=1 %G{2,1}(1)=2 %G{1,2}(1)=3 %G{2,2}(1)=4 %A=[1 3 % 2 4] G=zeros(N1,N2); for n1=1:N1 for n2=1:N2 if isnan(G0{n1,n2}(f))==1 G(n1,n2)=0; else G(n1,n2)=G0{n1,n2}(f); end end end end
function [A]=cellzeros(n1,n2,lengthnakami) A=cell(n1,n2); for n11=1:n1 for n22=1:n2 A{n11,n22}(1:lengthnakami,1)=zeros(lengthnakami,1); end end end
function [r]=radius(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2) r=sqrt( ...... ( x2 - x1 )^2 ..... +( y2 - y1 )^2 ..... +( z2 - z1 )^2 ..... ); end
function varargout = EIGS(varargin) %EIGS Find a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix using ARPACK % D = EIGS(A) returns a vector of A's 6 largest magnitude eigenvalues. % A must be square and should be large and sparse. % % [V,D] = EIGS(A) returns a diagonal matrix D of A's 6 largest magnitude % eigenvalues and a matrix V whose columns are the corresponding % eigenvectors. % % [V,D,FLAG] = EIGS(A) also returns a convergence flag. If FLAG is 0 then % all the eigenvalues converged; otherwise not all converged. % % EIGS(A,B) solves the generalized eigenvalue problem A*V == B*V*D. B % must be symmetric (or Hermitian) positive definite and the same size as % A. EIGS(A,[],...) indicates the standard eigenvalue problem A*V == V*D. % % EIGS(A,K) and EIGS(A,B,K) return the K largest magnitude eigenvalues. % % EIGS(A,K,SIGMA) and EIGS(A,B,K,SIGMA) return K eigenvalues. If SIGMA is: % 'LM' or 'SM' - Largest or Smallest Magnitude % For real symmetric problems, SIGMA may also be: % 'LA' or 'SA' - Largest or Smallest Algebraic % 'BE' - Both Ends, one more from high end if K is odd % For nonsymmetric and complex problems, SIGMA may also be: % 'LR' or 'SR' - Largest or Smallest Real part % 'LI' or 'SI' - Largest or Smallest Imaginary part % If SIGMA is a real or complex scalar including 0, EIGS finds the % eigenvalues closest to SIGMA. For scalar SIGMA, and when SIGMA = 'SM', % B need only be symmetric (or Hermitian) positive semi-definite since it % is not Cholesky factored as in the other cases. % % EIGS(A,K,SIGMA,OPTS) and EIGS(A,B,K,SIGMA,OPTS) specify options: % OPTS.issym: symmetry of A or A-SIGMA*B represented by AFUN [{false} | true] % OPTS.isreal: complexity of A or A-SIGMA*B represented by AFUN [false | {true}] % OPTS.tol: convergence: Ritz estimate residual <= tol*NORM(A) [scalar | {eps}] % OPTS.maxit: maximum number of iterations [integer | {300}] % OPTS.p: number of Lanczos vectors: K+1<p<=N [integer | {2K}] % OPTS.v0: starting vector [N-by-1 vector | {randomly generated}] % OPTS.disp: diagnostic information display level [0 | {1} | 2] % OPTS.cholB: B is actually its Cholesky factor CHOL(B) [{false} | true] % OPTS.permB: sparse B is actually CHOL(B(permB,permB)) [permB | {1:N}] % Use CHOL(B) instead of B when SIGMA is a string other than 'SM'. % % EIGS(AFUN,N) accepts the function AFUN instead of the matrix A. AFUN is % a function handle and Y = AFUN(X) should return % A*X if SIGMA is unspecified, or a string other than 'SM' % A\X if SIGMA is 0 or 'SM' % (A-SIGMA*I)\X if SIGMA is a nonzero scalar (standard problem) % (A-SIGMA*B)\X if SIGMA is a nonzero scalar (generalized problem) % N is the size of A. The matrix A, A-SIGMA*I or A-SIGMA*B represented by % AFUN is assumed to be real and nonsymmetric unless specified otherwise % by OPTS.isreal and OPTS.issym. In all these EIGS syntaxes, EIGS(A,...) % may be replaced by EIGS(AFUN,N,...). % % Example: % A = delsq(numgrid('C',15)); d1 = eigs(A,5,'SM'); % % Equivalently, if dnRk is the following one-line function: % %----------------------------% % function y = dnRk(x,R,k) % y = (delsq(numgrid(R,k))) \ x; % %----------------------------% % % n = size(A,1); opts.issym = 1; % d2 = eigs(@(x)dnRk(x,'C',15),n,5,'SM',opts); % % See also EIG, SVDS, ARPACKC, FUNCTION_HANDLE. % Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/05/23 18:54:51 $ % EIGS provides the reverse communication interface to ARPACK library % routines. EIGS attempts to provide an interface for as many different % algorithms as possible. The reverse communication interfaces are % documented in the ARPACK Users' Guide, ISBN 0-89871-407-9. cputms = zeros(5,1); t0 = cputime; % start timing pre-processing % Process inputs and do error-checking if (nargout > 3) error('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyOutputs', 'Too many output arguments.') end % Error check inputs and derive some information from them [A,Amatrix,isrealprob,issymA,n,B,classAB,k,eigs_sigma,whch, ... sigma,tol,maxit,p,info,eigs_display,cholB,permB,resid,useeig,afunNargs] = ... checkInputs(varargin{:}); % Now have enough information to do early return on cases EIGS does not % handle. For these cases, use the full EIG code. if useeig fullEig(nargout); return end if strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') || ~ischar(eigs_sigma) % eigs(A,B,k,scalarSigma) or eigs(A,B,k,'SM'), B may be [] % Note: sigma must be real for [s,d]saupd and [s,d]naupd % If sigma is complex, even if A and B are both real, we use [c,z]naupd. % This means that mode=3 in [s,d]naupd, which has % OP = real(inv(A - sigma*M)*M) and B = M % reduces to the same OP as [s,d]saupd and [c,z]naupd. % A*x = lambda*M*x, M symmetric (positive) semi-definite % => OP = inv(A - sigma*M)*M and B = M % => shift-and-invert mode mode = 3; elseif isempty(B) % eigs(A,k,stringSigma) or eigs(A,[],k,stringSigma), stringSigma~='SM' % A*x = lambda*x % => OP = A and B = I mode = 1; else % eigs(A,B,k,stringSigma), stringSigma~='SM' % A*x = lambda*B*x % Since we can always Cholesky factor B, follow the advice of % Remark 3 in ARPACK Users' Guide, and do not use mode = 2. % Instead, use mode = 1 with OP(x) = R'\(A*(R\x)) and B = I % where R is B's upper triangular Cholesky factor: B = R'*R. % Finally, V = R\V returns the actual generalized eigenvectors of (A,B). mode = 1; end if cholB || ((mode == 1) && ~isempty(B)) % The reordering permutation permB is [] unless B is sparse [RB,RBT,permB] = CHOLfactorB; end permAsB = []; if (mode == 3) && Amatrix % need lu(A-sigma*B) % The reordering permutation permAsB is [] unless A-sigma*B is sparse [L,U,P,permAsB] = LUfactorAminusSigmaB; end % if (mode == 3) && Amatrix % Allocate outputs and ARPACK work variables if isrealprob if issymA % real and symmetric if strcmp(classAB,'single') aupdfun = 'ssaupd'; eupdfun = 'sseupd'; else aupdfun = 'dsaupd'; eupdfun = 'dseupd'; end lworkl = int32(p*(p+8)); d = zeros(k,1,classAB); else % real but not symmetric if strcmp(classAB,'single') aupdfun = 'snaupd'; eupdfun = 'sneupd'; else aupdfun = 'dnaupd'; eupdfun = 'dneupd'; end lworkl = int32(3*p*(p+2)); workev = zeros(3*p,1,classAB); d = zeros(k+1,1,classAB); di = zeros(k+1,1,classAB); end v = zeros(n,p,classAB); workd = zeros(n,3,classAB); workl = zeros(lworkl,1,classAB); else % complex if strcmp(classAB,'single') aupdfun = 'cnaupd'; eupdfun = 'cneupd'; else aupdfun = 'znaupd'; eupdfun = 'zneupd'; end zv = zeros(2*n*p,1,classAB); workd = complex(zeros(n,3,classAB)); zworkd = zeros(2*numel(workd),1,classAB); lworkl = int32(3*p^2+5*p); workl = zeros(2*lworkl,1,classAB); workev = zeros(2*2*p,1,classAB); zd = zeros(2*(k+1),1,classAB); rwork = zeros(p,1,classAB); end ldv = int32(n); ipntr = zeros(15,1,'int32'); ido = int32(0); % reverse communication parameter, initial value if isempty(B) || (mode == 1) bmat = 'I'; % standard eigenvalue problem else bmat = 'G'; % generalized eigenvalue problem end nev = int32(k); % number of eigenvalues requested ncv = int32(p); % number of Lanczos vectors iparam = zeros(11,1,'int32'); % iparam(1) = ishift = 1 ensures we are never asked to handle ido=3 iparam([1 3 7]) = [1 maxit mode]; select = zeros(p,1,'int32'); % To Do: Remove this error when ARPACKC supports singles if strcmp(classAB,'single') error('MATLAB:eigs:single', ... 'EIGS does not support single precision inputs.') end % The ARPACK routines return to EIGS many times per each iteration but we % only want to display the Ritz values once per iteration (if opts.disp>0). % Keep track of whether we've displayed this iteration yet in eigs_iter. eigs_iter = 0; cputms(1) = cputime - t0; % end timing pre-processing % Iterate until ARPACK's reverse communication parameter ido says to stop while (ido ~= 99) t0 = cputime; % start timing ARPACK calls **aupd if isrealprob arpackc( aupdfun, ido, ... bmat, int32(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ... v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info ); else % The FORTRAN ARPACK routine expects the complex input zworkd to have % real and imaginary parts interleaved, but the OP about to be % applied to workd expects it in MATLAB's complex representation with % separate real and imaginary parts. Thus we need both. zworkd(1:2:end-1) = real(workd); zworkd(2:2:end) = imag(workd); arpackc( aupdfun, ido, ... bmat, int32(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ... zv, ldv, iparam, ipntr, zworkd, workl, lworkl, rwork, info ); workd = reshape(complex(zworkd(1:2:end-1),zworkd(2:2:end)),[n,3]); end if (info < 0) error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ... 'Error with ARPACK routine %s: info = %d', ... aupdfun,full(double(info))) end cputms(2) = cputms(2) + (cputime-t0); % end timing ARPACK calls **aupd t0 = cputime; % start timing MATLAB OP(X) % Compute which columns of workd ipntr references cols = checkIpntr; % The ARPACK reverse communication parameter ido tells EIGS what to do switch ido case {-1,1} % abs(ido)==1 => workd(:,col2) = OP*workd(:,col1) switch mode case 1 % mode==1 => OP(x) = K*x if isempty(B) % standard eigenvalue problem % OP(x) = A*x workd(:,cols(2)) = Amtimes(workd(:,cols(1))); else % generalized eigenvalue problem % OP(x) = R'\(A*(R\x)) workd(:,cols(2)) = ... RBTsolve(Amtimes(RBsolve(workd(:,cols(1))))); end case 3 % mode==3 => OP(x) = inv(A-sigma*B)*B*x if isempty(B) % standard eigenvalue problem workd(:,cols(2)) = AminusSigmaBsolve(workd(:,cols(1))); else % generalized eigenvalue problem switch ido case -1 workd(:,cols(2)) = Bmtimes(workd(:,cols(1))); workd(:,cols(2)) = ... AminusSigmaBsolve(workd(:,cols(2))); case 1 % mode==3 and ido==1: % workd(:,col2) = inv(A-sigma*B)*B*x % but B*x is already pre-computed in workd(:,col3) workd(:,cols(2)) = ... AminusSigmaBsolve(workd(:,cols(3))); otherwise error('MATLAB:eigs:UnknownRCP',... 'Unknown reverse communication parameter.') end % switch ido (inner) end % if isempty(B) otherwise % mode is not 1 or 3 error('MATLAB:eigs:UnknownMode','Unknown mode.') end % switch (mode) case 2 % ido==2 => workd(:,col2) = B*workd(:,col1) if (mode == 3) workd(:,cols(2)) = Bmtimes(workd(:,cols(1))); else error('MATLAB:eigs:UnknownMode','Unknown mode.') end case 3 % ido==3 => EIGS does not know how to compute shifts % setting iparam(1) = ishift = 1 ensures this never happens warning('MATLAB:eigs:WorklShiftsUnsupported', ... ['EIGS does not support computing the shifts in workl.' ... ' Returning immediately.']) ido = int32(99); case 99 % ido==99 => ARPACK is done otherwise error('MATLAB:eigs:UnknownReverseCommParamFromARPACK',... ['Unknown value of reverse communication parameter' ... ' returned from %s.'],aupdfun) end % switch ido (outer) cputms(3) = cputms(3) + (cputime-t0); % end timing MATLAB OP(X) if eigs_display % displayRitzValues; end end % while (ido ~= 99) t0 = cputime; % start timing post-processing if (info < 0) error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ... 'Error with ARPACK routine %s: info = %d',aupdfun,full(info)); end % if (info < 0) if (nargout >= 2) rvec = int32(true); % compute eigenvectors else rvec = int32(false); % do not compute eigenvectors end if isrealprob if issymA arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ... d, v, ldv, sigma, ... bmat, int32(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ... v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info ); if strcmp(whch,'LM') || strcmp(whch,'LA') d = flipud(d); if (rvec == 1) v(:,1:k) = v(:,k:-1:1); end end if ((strcmp(whch,'SM') || strcmp(whch,'SA')) && (rvec == 0)) d = flipud(d); end else % If sigma is complex, isrealprob=true and we use [c,z]neupd. % So use sigmar=sigma and sigmai=0 here in dneupd. arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ... d, di, v, ldv, sigma, 0, workev, ... bmat, int32(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, ... v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info ); d = complex(d,di); if rvec d(k+1) = []; else zind = find(d == 0); if isempty(zind) d = d(k+1:-1:2); else d(max(zind)) = []; d = flipud(d); end end end else zsigma = [real(sigma); imag(sigma)]; arpackc( eupdfun, rvec, 'A', select, ... zd, zv, ldv, zsigma, workev, ... bmat, int32(n), whch, nev, tol, resid, ncv, zv, ... ldv, iparam, ipntr, zworkd, workl, lworkl, ... rwork, info ); if issymA d = zd(1:2:end-1); else d = complex(zd(1:2:end-1),zd(2:2:end)); end v = reshape(complex(zv(1:2:end-1),zv(2:2:end)),[n p]); end flag = processEUPDinfo(nargin<3); if (issymA) || (~isrealprob) if (nargout <= 1) if isrealprob varargout{1} = d; else varargout{1} = d(k:-1:1,1); end else varargout{1} = v(:,1:k); varargout{2} = diag(d(1:k,1)); if (nargout >= 3) varargout{3} = flag; end end else if (nargout <= 1) varargout{1} = d; else cplxd = find(di ~= 0); % complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues occur together cplxd = cplxd(1:2:end); v(:,[cplxd cplxd+1]) = [complex(v(:,cplxd),v(:,cplxd+1)) ... complex(v(:,cplxd),-v(:,cplxd+1))]; varargout{1} = v(:,1:k); varargout{2} = diag(d); if (nargout >= 3) varargout{3} = flag; end end end if (nargout >= 2) && (mode == 1) && ~isempty(B) varargout{1} = RBsolve(varargout{1}); end cputms(4) = cputime-t0; % end timing post-processing cputms(5) = sum(cputms(1:4)); % total time if (eigs_display == 2) printTimings; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Nested functions %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % checkInputs error checks the inputs to EIGS and also derives some % variables from them: % A may be a matrix or a function applying OP. % Amatrix is true if A is a matrix, false if A is a function. % isrealprob is true if all of A, B and sigma are real, false otherwise. % issymA is true if A is symmetric, false otherwise. % n is the size of (square) A and B. % B is [] for the standard problem. Otherwise it may be one of B, CHOL(B) % or CHOL(B(permB,permB)). % classAB is single if either A or B is single, otherwise double. % k is the number of eigenvalues to be computed. % eigs_sigma is the value for sigma passed in by the user, 'LM' if it was % unspecified. eigs_sigma may be either a string or a scalar value. % whch is the ARPACK string corresponding to eigs_sigma and mode. % sigma is the ARPACK scalar corresponding to eigs_sigma and mode. % tol is the convergence tolerance. % maxit is the maximum number of iterations. % p is the number of Lanczos vectors. % info is the start value, initialized to 1 or 0 to indicate whether to use % resid as the start vector or not. % eigs_display is true if Ritz values should be displayed, false otherwise. % cholB is true if CHOL(B) was passed in instead of B, false otherwise. % permB may be [], otherwise it is the permutation in CHOL(B(permB,permB)). % resid is the start vector if specified and info=1, otherwise all zero. % useeig is true if we need to use EIG instead of ARPACK, otherwise false. % afunNargs is the range of EIGS' varargin that are to be passed as % trailing parameters to the function as in afun(X,P1,P2,...). function [A,Amatrix,isrealprob,issymA,n,B,classAB,k, ... eigs_sigma,whch,sigma,tol,maxit,p,info,eigs_display,cholB,... permB,resid,useeig,afunNargs] = checkInputs(varargin) % Process inputs and do error-checking % Process the input A or the inputs AFUN and N % Start to derive some qualities (real, symmetric) about the problem if isfloat(varargin{1}) A = varargin{1}; Amatrix = true; else % By checking the function A with fcnchk, we can now use direct % function evaluation on the result, without resorting to feval A = fcnchk(varargin{1}); Amatrix = false; end % isrealprob = isreal(A) && isreal(B) && isreal(sigma) isrealprob = true; issymA = false; if Amatrix isrealprob = isreal(A); issymA = ishermitian(A); [m,n] = size(A); if (m ~= n) error('MATLAB:eigs:NonSquareMatrixOrFunction',... 'A must be a square matrix or a function.') end else n = varargin{2}; nstr = 'Size of problem, ''n'', must be a positive integer.'; if ~isscalar(n) || ~isreal(n) error('MATLAB:eigs:NonPosIntSize', nstr) end if issparse(n) n = full(n); end if (round(n) ~= n) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonPosIntSize',['%s\n ' ... 'Rounding input size.'],nstr) n = round(n); end end % Process the input B and derive the class of the problem. % Is B present in the eigs call or not? Bpresent = true; Bstr = ['Generalized matrix B must be the same size as A and' ... ' either a symmetric positive (semi-)definite matrix or' ... ' its Cholesky factor.']; if (nargin < (3-Amatrix)) B = []; Bpresent = false; else % Is the next input B or K? B = varargin{3-Amatrix}; if ~isempty(B) % allow eigs(A,[],k,sigma,opts); if isscalar(B) if n ~= 1 % this input is really K and B is not specified B = []; Bpresent = false; else % This input could be B or K. % If A is scalar, then the only valid value for k is 1. % So if this input is scalar, let it be B, namely % eigs(4,2,...) assumes A=4, B=2, NOT A=4, k=2 if ~isnumeric(B) error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchAorNotSPDorNotChol', Bstr); end % Unless, of course, the scalar is 1, in which case % assume the that it is meant to be K. if (B == 1) && ((Amatrix && nargin <= 3) || ... (~Amatrix && nargin <= 4)) B = []; Bpresent = false; elseif ~isfloat(B) error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchAorNotSPDorNotChol', Bstr); end end else % B is a not a scalar. if ~isfloat(B) || ~isequal(size(B),[n,n]) error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchAorNotSPDorNotChol', Bstr); end isrealprob = isrealprob && isreal(B); end end end % ARPACK can only handle homogeneous inputs if Amatrix classAB = superiorfloat(A,B); A = cast(A,classAB); B = cast(B,classAB); else if ~isempty(B) classAB = class(B); else classAB = 'double'; end end % argOffset tells us where to get the eigs inputs K, SIGMA and OPTS. % If A is really the function afun, then it also helps us find the % trailing parameters in eigs(afun,n,[B],k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...) % Values of argOffset: % 0: Amatrix is false and Bpresent is true: % eigs(afun,n,B,k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...) % 1: Amatrix and Bpresent are both true, or both false % eigs(A,B,k,sigma,opts) % eigs(afun,n,k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...) % 2: Amatrix is true and Bpresent is false: % eigs(A,k,sigma,opts) argOffset = Amatrix + ~Bpresent; if Amatrix && ((nargin - Bpresent)>4) error('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyInputs', 'Too many inputs.') end % Process the input K. if (nargin < (4-argOffset)) k = min(n,6); else k = varargin{4-argOffset}; kstr = ['Number of eigenvalues requested, k, must be a' ... ' positive integer <= n.']; if ~isnumeric(k) || ~isscalar(k) || ~isreal(k) || (k>n) error('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerEigQty', kstr) end if issparse(k) k = full(k); end if (round(k) ~= k) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerEigQty',['%s\n ' ... 'Rounding number of eigenvalues.'],kstr) k = round(k); end end % Process the input SIGMA and derive ARPACK values whch and sigma. % eigs_sigma is the value documented in the help as "SIGMA" that is % passed in to EIGS. eigs_sigma may be either a scalar, including 0, % or a string, including 'SM'. % In ARPACK, eigs_sigma corresponds to two variables: % 1. which, called "whch" to avoid conflict with MATLAB's function % 2. sigma % whch is always a string. sigma is always a scalar. % Valid combinations are shown below. Note eigs_sigma = 0/'SM' has % the same sigma/whch values as eigs_sigma='LM' (default) so these % must be distinguished by the mode. % eigs_sigma = 'SM' or 0 => sigma = 0, whch = 'LM' (mode=3) % eigs_sigma is a string not 'SM' => sigma = 0, whch = eigs_sigma (mode=1) % eigs_sigma is any scalar => sigma = eigs_sigma, whch = 'LM' % (mode=1) whchstr = 'Eigenvalue range sigma must be a valid 2-element string.'; if (nargin < (5-argOffset)) % default: eigs 'LM' => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=0 eigs_sigma = 'LM'; whch = 'LM'; sigma = 0; else eigs_sigma = varargin{5-argOffset}; if ischar(eigs_sigma) % eigs(string) => ARPACK which=string, sigma=0 if ~isequal(size(eigs_sigma),[1,2]) error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ... [whchstr '\nFor real symmetric A, the' ... ' choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'' or ''%s''.' ... '\nFor non-symmetric or complex' ... ' A, the choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'',' ... ' ''%s'' or ''%s''.\n'], ... 'LM','SM','LA','SA','BE','LM','SM','LR','SR','LI','SI') end eigs_sigma = upper(eigs_sigma); if strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') % eigs('SM') => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=0 whch = 'LM'; else % eigs(string), where string~='SM' => ARPACK which=string, sigma=0 whch = eigs_sigma; end sigma = zeros(classAB); else % eigs(scalar) => ARPACK which='LM', sigma=scalar if ~isfloat(eigs_sigma) || ~isscalar(eigs_sigma) error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueShiftNonScalar',... 'Eigenvalue shift sigma must be a scalar.') end sigma = eigs_sigma; if issparse(sigma) sigma = full(sigma); end sigma = cast(sigma,classAB); isrealprob = isrealprob && isreal(sigma); whch = 'LM'; end end % Process the input OPTS and derive some ARPACK values. % ARPACK's minimum tolerance is eps/2 ([S/D]LAMCH's EPS) tol = eps(classAB); maxit = []; p = []; % Always use resid as the start vector, whether it is OPTS.v0 or % randomly generated within eigs. We default resid to empty here. % If the user does not initialize it, we provide a random residual % below. info = int32(1); resid = []; eigs_display = 1; cholB = false; % do we have B or its Cholesky factor? permB = []; % if cholB, is it chol(B), or chol(B(permB,permB))? if (nargin >= (6-argOffset)) opts = varargin{6-argOffset}; if ~isa(opts,'struct') error('MATLAB:eigs:OptionsNotStructure',... 'Options argument must be a structure.') end if isfield(opts,'issym') && ~Amatrix issymA = opts.issym; if (issymA ~= false) && (issymA ~= true) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsIssym', ... 'opts.issym must be true or false.') end end if isfield(opts,'isreal') && ~Amatrix if (opts.isreal ~= false) && (opts.isreal ~= true) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsIsreal', ... 'opts.isreal must be true or false.') end isrealprob = isrealprob && opts.isreal; end if ~isempty(B) && (isfield(opts,'cholB') || isfield(opts,'permB')) if isfield(opts,'cholB') cholB = opts.cholB; if (cholB ~= false) && (cholB ~= true) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsCholB', ... 'opts.cholB must be true or false.') end if isfield(opts,'permB') if issparse(B) && cholB permB = opts.permB; if ~isvector(permB) || ~isequal(sort(permB(:)),(1:n)') error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPermB',... 'opts.permB must be a permutation of 1:n.') end else warning('MATLAB:eigs:IgnoredOptionPermB', ... ['Ignoring opts.permB since B is not its sparse' ... ' Cholesky factor.']) end end end end if isfield(opts,'tol') if ~isfloat(tol) || ~isscalar(opts.tol) || ~isreal(opts.tol) || (opts.tol<=0) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsTol',... ['Convergence tolerance opts.tol must be a strictly' ... ' positive real scalar.']) end tol = cast(full(opts.tol),classAB); end if isfield(opts,'p') p = opts.p; pstr = ['Number of basis vectors opts.p must be a positive' ... ' integer <= n.']; if ~isnumeric(p) || ~isscalar(p) || ~isreal(p) || (p<=0) || (p>n) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsP', pstr) end if issparse(p) p = full(p); end if (round(p) ~= p) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerVecQty',['%s\n ' ... 'Rounding number of basis vectors.'],pstr) p = round(p); end end if isfield(opts,'maxit') maxit = opts.maxit; str = ['Maximum number of iterations opts.maxit must be' ... ' a positive integer.']; if ~isnumeric(maxit) || ~isscalar(maxit) || ~isreal(maxit) || (maxit<=0) error('MATLAB:eigs:OptsMaxitNotPosInt', str) end if issparse(maxit) maxit = full(maxit); end if (round(maxit) ~= maxit) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerIterationQty',['%s\n ' ... 'Rounding number of iterations.'],str) maxit = round(maxit); end end if isfield(opts,'v0') if ~isfloat(opts.v0) || ~isequal(size(opts.v0),[n,1]) error('MATLAB:eigs:WrongSizeOptsV0',... 'Start vector opts.v0 must be n-by-1.') end if isrealprob if ~isreal(opts.v0) error('MATLAB:eigs:NotRealOptsV0',... 'Start vector opts.v0 must be real for real problems.') end resid(1:n,1) = full(opts.v0); else resid(2:2:2*n,1) = full(imag(opts.v0)); resid(1:2:(2*n-1),1) = full(real(opts.v0)); end end if isfield(opts,'disp') eigs_display = opts.disp; dispstr = 'Diagnostic level opts.disp must be an integer.'; if ~isnumeric(eigs_display) || ~isscalar(eigs_display) || ... ~isreal(eigs_display) || (eigs_display<0) error('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerDiagnosticLevel', dispstr) end if (round(eigs_display) ~= eigs_display) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NonIntegerDiagnosticLevel', ... '%s\n Rounding diagnostic level.',dispstr) eigs_display = round(eigs_display); end end if isfield(opts,'cheb') error('MATLAB:eigs:ObsoleteOptionCheb', ... 'Polynomial acceleration opts.cheb is an obsolete option.'); end if isfield(opts,'stagtol') error('MATLAB:eigs:ObsoleteOptionStagtol', ... 'Stagnation tolerance opts.stagtol is an obsolete option.'); end end if (isempty(resid)) if isrealprob resid = cast(rand(n,1),classAB); else resid = cast(rand(2*n,1),classAB); end end afunNargs = zeros(1,0); if ~Amatrix % The trailing parameters for afun start at varargin{7-argOffset} % in eigs(afun,n,[B],k,sigma,opts,P1,P2,...). If there are no % trailing parameters in eigs, then afunNargs is a 1-by-0 empty % and no trailing parameters are passed to afun(x) afunNargs = 7-argOffset:nargin; end % Now that OPTS has been processed, do final error checking and % assign ARPACK variables % Extra check on input B if ~isempty(B) % B must be symmetric (Hermitian) positive (semi-)definite if cholB if ~isequal(triu(B),B) error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchAorNotSPDorNotChol', Bstr) end else if ~ishermitian(B) error('MATLAB:eigs:BsizeMismatchAorNotSPDorNotChol', Bstr) end end end % Extra check on input K % We fall back on using the full EIG code if K is too large. useeig = false; if isrealprob && issymA knstr = sprintf(['For real symmetric problems, must have' ... ' number of eigenvalues k < n.\n']); else knstr = sprintf(['For nonsymmetric and complex problems,' ... ' must have number of eigenvalues k < n-1.\n']); end if isempty(B) knstr = [knstr 'Using eig(full(A)) instead.']; else knstr = [knstr 'Using eig(full(A),full(B)) instead.']; end if (k == 0) useeig = true; end if isrealprob && issymA if (k > n-1) if (n >= 6) warning('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyRequestedEigsForRealSym', ... '%s',knstr) end useeig = true; end else if (k > n-2) if (n >= 7) warning('MATLAB:eigs:TooManyRequestedEigsForComplexNonsym', ... '%s',knstr) end useeig = true; end end % Extra check on input SIGMA if isrealprob && issymA if ~isreal(sigma) error('MATLAB:eigs:ComplexShiftForRealSymProblem',... ['For real symmetric problems, eigenvalue shift sigma must' ... ' be real.']) end else if ~isrealprob && issymA && ~isreal(sigma) warning('MATLAB:eigs:ComplexShiftForHermitianProblem', ... ['Complex eigenvalue shift sigma on a Hermitian problem' ... ' (all real eigenvalues).']) end end if isrealprob && issymA if strcmp(whch,'LR') whch = 'LA'; warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToLA', ... ['For real symmetric problems, sigma value ''LR''' ... ' (Largest Real) is now ''LA'' (Largest Algebraic).']) end if strcmp(whch,'SR') whch = 'SA'; warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToSA', ... ['For real symmetric problems, sigma value ''SR''' ... ' (Smallest Real) is now ''SA'' (Smallest Algebraic).']) end if ~ismember(whch,{'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA', 'BE'}) error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ... [whchstr '\nFor real symmetric A, the' ... ' choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'' or ''%s''.'], ... 'LM','SM','LA','SA','BE'); end else if strcmp(whch,'BE') warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaChangedToLM', ... ['Sigma value ''BE'' is now only available for real' ... ' symmetric problems. Computing ''LM'' eigenvalues instead.']) whch = 'LM'; end if ~ismember(whch,{'LM', 'SM', 'LR', 'SR', 'LI', 'SI'}) error('MATLAB:eigs:EigenvalueRangeNotValid', ... [whchstr '\nFor non-symmetric or complex' ... ' A, the choices are ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'',' ... ' ''%s'' or ''%s''.\n'],'LM','SM','LR','SR','LI','SI'); end end % The remainder of the error checking does not apply for the large % values of K that force us to use full EIG instead of ARPACK. if useeig return end % Extra check on input OPTS.p if isempty(p) if isrealprob && ~issymA p = min(max(2*k+1,20),n); else p = min(max(2*k,20),n); end else if isrealprob && issymA if (p <= k) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPforRealSymProb',... ['For real symmetric problems, must have number of' ... ' basis vectors opts.p > k.']) end else if (p <= k+1) error('MATLAB:eigs:InvalidOptsPforComplexOrNonSymProb',... ['For nonsymmetric and complex problems, must have number of' ... ' basis vectors opts.p > k+1.']) end end end % Extra check on input OPTS.maxit if isempty(maxit) maxit = max(300,ceil(2*n/max(p,1))); end end % checkInputs %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function fullEig(nOutputs) % Use EIG(FULL(A)) or EIG(FULL(A),FULL(B)) instead of ARPACK if ~isempty(B) B = Bmtimes(eye(n)); end if isfloat(A) if issparse(A); A = full(A); end else % A is specified by a function. % Form the matrix A by applying the function. if ischar(eigs_sigma) && ~strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') % A is a function multiplying A*x AA = eye(n); for i = 1:n AA(:,i) = A(AA(:,i),varargin{afunNargs}); end A = AA; else if (isfloat(eigs_sigma) && eigs_sigma == 0) || strcmp(eigs_sigma,'SM') % A is a function solving A\x invA = eye(n); for i = 1:n invA(:,i) = A(invA(:,i),varargin{afunNargs}); end A = eye(n) / invA; else % A is a function solving (A-sigma*B)\x % B may be [], indicating the identity matrix % U = (A-sigma*B)\sigma*B % => (A-sigma*B)*U = sigma*B % => A*U = sigma*B(U + eye(n)) % => A = sigma*B(U + eye(n)) / U if isempty(B) sB = eigs_sigma*eye(n); else sB = eigs_sigma*B; end U = zeros(n,n); for i = 1:n U(:,i) = A(sB(:,i),varargin{afunNargs}); end A = sB*(U+eye(n)) / U; end end end if isempty(B) eigInputs = {A}; else eigInputs = {A,B}; end % Now with full floating point matrices A and B, use EIG: if (nOutputs <= 1) d = eig(eigInputs{:}); else [V,D] = eig(eigInputs{:}); d = diag(D); end % Grab the eigenvalues we want, based on sigma firstKindices = 1:k; lastKindices = n:-1:n-k+1; if ischar(eigs_sigma) switch eigs_sigma case 'LM' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d)); range = lastKindices; case 'SM' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d)); range = firstKindices; case 'LA' [ignore,ind] = sort(d); range = lastKindices; case 'SA' [ignore,ind] = sort(d); range = firstKindices; case 'LR' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(real(d))); range = lastKindices; case 'SR' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(real(d))); range = firstKindices; case 'LI' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(imag(d))); range = lastKindices; case 'SI' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(imag(d))); range = firstKindices; case 'BE' [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d)); range = [1:floor(k/2), n-ceil(k/2)+1:n]; otherwise error('MATLAB:eigs:fullEigSigma','Unknown value of sigma'); end else % sigma is a scalar [ignore,ind] = sort(abs(d-eigs_sigma)); range = 1:k; end if (nOutputs <= 1) varargout{1} = d(ind(range)); else varargout{1} = V(:,ind(range)); varargout{2} = D(ind(range),ind(range)); if (nOutputs == 3) % flag indicates "convergence" varargout{3} = 0; end end end % FULLEIG %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function [RB,RBT,perm] = CHOLfactorB % permB may be [] (from checkInputs) if the problem is not sparse % or if it was not passed in as opts.permB perm = permB; if cholB % CHOL(B) was passed in as B RB = B; RBT = B'; else % CHOL(B) was not passed into EIGS if (mode == 1) && ~isempty(B) % Algorithm requires CHOL(B) to be computed if issparse(B) perm = symamd(B); [RB,pB] = chol(B(perm,perm)); else [RB,pB] = chol(B); end if (pB == 0) RBT = RB'; else error('MATLAB:eigs:BNotSPD', ... 'B is not symmetric positive definite.') end end end end % CHOLfactorB %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function [L,U,P,perm] = LUfactorAminusSigmaB % LU factor A-sigma*B, including a reordering perm if it is sparse if isempty(B) if issparse(A) AsB = A - sigma * speye(n); else AsB = A - sigma * eye(n); end else if cholB if issparse(B) AsB = A - sigma * Bmtimes(speye(n)); else AsB = A - sigma * Bmtimes(eye(n)); end else AsB = A - sigma * B; end end if issparse(AsB) [L,U,P,Q] = lu(AsB); [perm,ignore] = find(Q); else [L,U,P] = lu(AsB); perm = []; end % Warn if lu(A-sigma*B) is ill-conditioned % => sigma is close to an exact eigenvalue of (A,B) dU = diag(U); rcondestU = full(min(abs(dU)) / max(abs(dU))); if (rcondestU < eps) if isempty(B) ds = '(A-sigma*I)'; else ds = '(A-sigma*B)'; end warning('MATLAB:eigs:SigmaNearExactEig',... [ds ' has small reciprocal condition' ... ' estimate: %f\n' ... ' indicating that sigma is near an exact' ... ' eigenvalue.\n The algorithm may not converge unless' ... ' you try a new value for sigma.\n'], ... rcondestU); end end % LUfactorAminusSigmaB %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function cols = checkIpntr % Check that ipntr returned from ARPACK refers to the start of a % column of workd. if ~isempty(B) && (mode == 3) && (ido == 1) inds = double(ipntr(1:3)); else inds = double(ipntr(1:2)); end [rows,cols] = ind2sub([n,3],inds); nonOneRows = find(rows~=1); if ~isempty(nonOneRows) error('MATLAB:eigs:ipntrMismatchWorkdColumn', ... ['One of ipntr(1:3) does not refer to the start' ... ' of a column of the %d-by-3 array workd.'],n) end end % checkIpntr %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function v = Amtimes(u) % Matrix-vector multiply v = A*u if Amatrix v = A * u; else % A is a function v = A(u,varargin{afunNargs}); if isrealprob && ~isreal(v) error('MATLAB:eigs:complexFunction', ... 'AFUN is complex; set opts.isreal = false.'); end end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function v = Bmtimes(u) % Matrix-vector multiply v = B*u if cholB % use B's cholesky factor and its transpose if ~isempty(permB) v(permB,:) = RBT * (RB * u(permB,:)); else v = RBT * (RB * u); end else v = B * u; end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function v = RBsolve(u) % Solve v = RB\u for v if issparse(B) if ~isempty(permB) v(permB,:) = RB \ u; else v = RB \ u; end else RBopts.UT = true; v = linsolve(RB,u,RBopts); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function v = RBTsolve(u) % Solve v = RB'\u for v if issparse(B) if ~isempty(permB) v = RBT \ u(permB,:); else v = RBT \ u; end else RBTopts.LT = true; v = linsolve(RBT,u,RBTopts); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function v = AminusSigmaBsolve(u) % Solve v = (A-sigma*B)\u for v if Amatrix if ~isempty(permAsB) % use LU reordering permAsB v(permAsB,:) = U \ (L \ (P * u)); else v = U \ (L \ (P * u)); end else % A is a function v = A(u,varargin{afunNargs}); if isrealprob && ~isreal(v) error('MATLAB:eigs:complexFunction', ... 'AFUN is complex; set opts.isreal = false.'); end end end % AminusSigmaBsolve %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % function displayRitzValues % % Display a few Ritz values at the current iteration % iter = double(ipntr(15)); % if (iter > eigs_iter) && (ido ~= 99) % eigs_iter = iter; % % ds = sprintf(['Iteration %d: a few Ritz values of the' ... % % ' %d-by-%d matrix:'],iter,p,p); % % disp(ds) % if isrealprob % if issymA % dispvec = workl(double(ipntr(6))+(0:p-1)); % if strcmp(whch,'BE') % % roughly k Large eigenvalues and k Small eigenvalues % disp(dispvec(max(end-2*k+1,1):end)) % else % % k eigenvalues % disp(dispvec(max(end-k+1,1):end)) % end % else % dispvec = complex(workl(double(ipntr(6))+(0:p-1)), ... % workl(double(ipntr(7))+(0:p-1))); % % k+1 eigenvalues (keep complex conjugate pairs together) % disp(dispvec(max(end-k,1):end)) % end % else % dispvec = complex(workl(2*double(ipntr(6))-1+(0:2:2*(p-1))), ... % workl(2*double(ipntr(6))+(0:2:2*(p-1)))); % disp(dispvec(max(end-k+1,1):end)) % end % end % end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function flag = processEUPDinfo(warnNonConvergence) % Process the info flag returned by the ARPACK routine **eupd flag = 0; if (info ~= 0) es = ['Error with ARPACK routine ' eupdfun ':\n']; switch double(info) case 2 ss = sum(select); if (ss < k) error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError02ssLTk', ... [es 'The logical variable select was only set' ... ' with %d 1''s instead of nconv=%d (k=%d).\n' ... 'Please report this to the ARPACK authors at' ... ' arpack@caam.rice.edu.'], ... ss,double(iparam(5)),k) else error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError02', ... [es 'The LAPACK reordering routine %strsen' ... ' did not return all %d eigenvalues.'], ... aupdfun(1),k); end case 1 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError01', ... [es 'The Schur form could not be reordered by the' ... ' LAPACK routine %strsen.\nPlease report this to the' ... ' ARPACK authors at arpack@caam.rice.edu.'], ... aupdfun(1)) case -14 error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineErrorMinus14', ... [es aupdfun ... ' did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.']); otherwise error('MATLAB:eigs:ARPACKroutineError', ... [es 'info = %d. Please consult the ARPACK Users''' ... ' Guide for more information.'],full(info)); end else nconv = double(iparam(5)); if (nconv == 0) if (warnNonConvergence) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NoEigsConverged', ... 'None of the %d requested eigenvalues converged.',k) else flag = 1; end elseif (nconv < k) if (warnNonConvergence) warning('MATLAB:eigs:NotAllEigsConverged', ... 'Only %d of the %d requested eigenvalues converged.', ... nconv,k) else flag = 1; end end end end % processEUPDinfo %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function printTimings % Print the time taken for each major stage of the EIGS algorithm if (mode == 1) innerstr = sprintf(['Compute A*X:' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(3)); elseif (mode == 3) if isempty(B) innerstr = sprintf(['Solve (A-SIGMA*I)*X=Y for X:' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(3)); else innerstr = sprintf(['Solve (A-SIGMA*B)*X=B*Y for X:' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(3)); end end if ((mode == 3) && (Amatrix)) if isempty(B) prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing, including lu(A-sigma*I):' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(1)); else prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing, including lu(A-sigma*B):' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(1)); end else prepstr = sprintf(['Pre-processing:' ... ' %f\n'],cputms(1)); end sstr = sprintf('***********CPU Timing Results in seconds***********'); ds = sprintf(['\n' sstr '\n' ... prepstr ... 'ARPACK''s %s: %f\n' ... innerstr ... 'Post-processing with ARPACK''s %s: %f\n' ... '***************************************************\n' ... 'Total: %f\n' ... sstr '\n'], ... aupdfun,cputms(2),eupdfun,cputms(4),cputms(5)); disp(ds) end % printTimings %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % End of nested functions %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% end % EIGS %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Subfunctions %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function tf = ishermitian(A) %ISHERMITIAN tf = isequal(A,A'); end % ishermititan %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% % End of subfunctions %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
function [Hi]=steering_matrix(ii,beta,Stop,Pass,ZoneA,CenterZoneA,k) if Stop+1<=ii&&ii<=360-Stop Stop_theta=[1:ii-(Stop+1) ii+(Stop+1):360]; elseif ii<Stop+1 Stop_theta=ii+(Stop+1):1:360-(Stop-ii+1); else %ii>360-Stop Stop_theta=1+Stop-(360-ii):1:ii-(Stop+1); end if Pass+1<=ii&&ii<=360-Pass Pass_theta=ii-Pass:ii+Pass; elseif ii<Pass+1 Pass_theta=[1:ii+Pass 360-(Pass-ii):360]; else %ii>360-Pass Pass_theta=[1:Pass-(360-ii) ii-Pass:360]; end D=zeros(360-(2*Stop+1),size(ZoneA,1)); B=zeros(2*Pass+1,size(ZoneA,1)); for nM=1:size(ZoneA) for nst=1:length(Stop_theta) % ust=[sin(Stop_theta(nst)/180*pi) % cos(Stop_theta(nst)/180*pi)]; ust=[cos(Stop_theta(nst)/180*pi) sin(Stop_theta(nst)/180*pi) ]; % D(nst,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:) )*ust)/size(ZoneA,1); % D(nst,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:)-CenterZoneA)*ust)/size(ZoneA,1); D(nst,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:))*ust)/size(ZoneA,1); end for npa=1:length(Pass_theta) upa=[cos(Pass_theta(npa)/180*pi) sin(Pass_theta(npa)/180*pi) ]; % B(npa,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:) )*upa)/size(ZoneA,1); % B(npa,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:)-CenterZoneA)*upa)/size(ZoneA,1); B(npa,nM)=exp(j*k*(ZoneA(nM,:))*upa)/size(ZoneA,1); end end [h d]=EIGS(inv( D'*D+beta*eye(size(D'*D)) )*B'*B,1,'lm'); Hi=h.'; end
clear all % f_max=10^4; rho=1.205; c=343; freq=100:100:7000; % freq=1000; x=-0.1260:0.021:0.1260; y=-0.1155:0.021:0.1155; xy=zeros(length(x)*length(y),2); n=0; for X=1:length(x) for Y=1:length(y) n=1+n; xy(n,1:3)=[x(X) y(Y) 0]; end end ZoneA=xy+[-0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; ZoneB=xy+[+0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; xi=[ZoneA;ZoneB]; % % % % y_secondary_i=(ys1,ys2,ys3) R=1.2; theta=linspace(0,2*pi-2*pi/48,48); Speaker=[R*cos(theta).' R*sin(theta).' zeros(size(theta,2),1)]; Z=cellzeros(size(xi,1),size(Speaker,1),length(freq)); % Z=cellzeros(size(xi,1),size(Speaker,1),f_max); h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); for f=1:1:length(freq) % for f=1:f_max % w=2*pi*f; % k=2*pi*f/c; w=2*pi*freq(f); k=2*pi*freq(f)/c; for ns=1:length(Speaker) for nm=1:size(xi,1) [r]=radius(Speaker(ns,1),xi(nm,1),Speaker(ns,2),xi(nm,2),Speaker(ns,3),xi(nm,3)); Z{nm,ns}(f)=1i*k*c*rho/(4*pi*r)*exp(-1i*k*r); end end waitbar(f/length(freq),h) % waitbar(f/f_max,h) end close(h) save('Z100_7000.mat','Z','-v7.3')
% % % % 26/09/2013 % % % % Optimizing the planarity of sound zones clear all x=-0.1260:0.021:0.1260; y=-0.1155:0.021:0.1155; % freq=1000; freq=100:100:7000; xy=zeros(length(x)*length(y),2); n=0; for X=1:length(x) for Y=1:length(y) n=1+n; xy(n,1:2)=[x(X) y(Y)]; end end CenterZoneA=[-0.6 0]; ZoneA=xy+[-0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; ZoneB=xy+[+0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; xi=[ZoneA;ZoneB]; % % % % y_secondary_i=(ys1,ys2,ys3) R=1.2; theta=linspace(0,2*pi-2*pi/48,48); Speaker=[R*cos(theta).' R*sin(theta).']; % % % % % % % % % % % % % c=343; beta=10^-4; Stop=6; Pass=3; % Phi=90; % % % % % % % % % % % % % H=cellzeros(size(Speaker,1),size(ZoneA,1),length(freq)); h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); for f=1:1:length(freq) w=2*pi*freq(f); k=2*pi*freq(f)/c; for ii=1:360 [Hi]=steering_matrix(ii,beta,Stop,Pass,ZoneA,CenterZoneA,k); for n=1:size(ZoneA,1) H{ii,n}(f)=Hi(n).'; end end waitbar(f/length(freq),h) end close(h) save('H100_7000.mat','H','-v7.3') % [q d]=eigs(inv( Gd'*Gd+beta*eye(size(D'*D)) )*(Gb'*H'*Gamma*H*Gb),1,'lm');
% % % % 30/09/2013 % % % % Optimizing the planarity of sound zones clear all load('H100_7000.mat') load('Z100_7000.mat') lambda2=0; % lambda2=10^10; x=-0.1260:0.021:0.1260; y=-0.1155:0.021:0.1155; freq=100:100:7000; xy=zeros(length(x)*length(y),2); n=0; for X=1:length(x) for Y=1:length(y) n=1+n; xy(n,1:2)=[x(X) y(Y)]; end end CenterZoneA=[-0.6 0]; ZoneA=xy+[-0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; ZoneB=xy+[+0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; xi=[ZoneA;ZoneB]; % % % % y_secondary_i=(ys1,ys2,ys3) R=1.2; theta=linspace(0,2*pi-2*pi/48,48); Speaker=[R*cos(theta).' R*sin(theta).']; % % % % % % % % % % % % % c=343; beta=10^-4; % % % % % % weighting gamma=zeros(360,360); AAA=30:1:150; % AAA=90; for n=1:length(AAA) gamma(AAA(n),AAA(n))=1; end % AAA=60:1:120; % BBB=hamming(length(AAA)); % for n=1:length(AAA) % gamma(AAA(n),AAA(n))=BBB(n); % end % % % % % % % % % % % % % C=zeros(length(freq),1); AE=zeros(length(freq),1); q_optimal=zeros(size(Speaker,1),length(freq)); h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); for f=1:1:length(freq) [G]=cell_matrix(Z,size(xi,1),size(Speaker,1),f); [Hb]=cell_matrix(H,360,size(ZoneA,1),f); Gb=G(1:size(xi,1)/2,:); Gd=G(size(xi,1)/2+1:end,:); [q d]=eigs(inv( Gd'*Gd+lambda2*eye(size(Gd'*Gd)) )*(Gb'*Hb'*gamma*Hb*Gb),1,'lm'); q_optimal(1:size(Speaker,1),f)=q; ref=mean(abs(Gb*q))/mean(abs(Gb*ones(size(Gb,2),1))); AE(f,1)=(q'*q)/(size(Speaker,1)*ref^2); C(f,1)=size(Gd,1)*q'*Gb'*Gb*q/........ ( size(Gb,1)*q'*Gd'*Gd*q ); waitbar(f/length(freq),h) end close(h) save('PC100_7000.mat','AE','C','q_optimal')
clear all load('PC1000_optpart3.mat') qpc=q_optimal; % load('ACC1000_optpart3.mat') % qacc=q_optimal; % load('PMandACC1000_optpart3.mat') % qpmandacc=q_optimal; rho=1.205; c=343; R=1.2; freq=1000; % % % % % % x=-0.1260:0.021:0.1260; y=-0.1155:0.021:0.1155; xy=zeros(length(x)*length(y),2); n=0; for X=1:length(x) for Y=1:length(y) n=1+n; xy(n,1:2)=[x(X) y(Y)]; end end CenterZoneA=[-0.6 0]; ZoneA=xy+[-0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; ZoneB=xy+[+0.6*ones(size(xy,1),1) zeros(size(xy,1),1)]; clear x clear y % % % % % % theta=linspace(0,2*pi-2*pi/48,48); Speaker=[R*cos(theta).' R*sin(theta).']; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % x=-1.8:0.02:1.8; y=-1.8:0.02:1.8; % Pressure=zeros(length(x),length(y)); % for f=1:length(freq) for f=1 pcPressure=zeros(length(y),length(x)); % accPressure=zeros(length(y),length(x)); % pmandaccPressure=zeros(length(y),length(x)); k=2*pi*freq(f)/c; for ns=1:size(Speaker,1) for X=1:length(x) for Y=1:length(y) r=sqrt( (x(X)-Speaker(ns,1))^2+(y(Y)-Speaker(ns,2))^2 ); if r<=0.05 r=0.05; end pcPressure(Y,X)=pcPressure(Y,X)+qpc(ns,f)/max(abs(qpc))*1i*k*c*rho/(4*pi*r)*exp(-1i*k*r); accPressure(Y,X)=accPressure(Y,X)+qacc(ns,f)/max(abs(qacc))*1i*k*c*rho/(4*pi*r)*exp(-1i*k*r); pmandaccPressure(Y,X)=pmandaccPressure(Y,X)+qpmandacc(ns,f)/max(abs(qpmandacc))*1i*k*c*rho/(4*pi*r)*exp(-1i*k*r); end end end figure(3) subplot(231) surf(x,y,10*log10(abs(pcPressure))) shading interp view([0 90]) title('PC') colorbar hold on plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') hold off subplot(234) surf(x,y,angle(pcPressure)) % colormap gray shading interp view([0 90]) title(freq(f)) colorbar hold on plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') hold off % subplot(232) % surf(x,y,10*log10(abs(accPressure))) % shading interp % view([0 90]) % title('ACC') % colorbar % hold on % plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') % plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') % plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') % hold off % subplot(235) % surf(x,y,angle(accPressure)) % % colormap gray % shading interp % view([0 90]) % colorbar % title(freq(f)) % hold on % plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') % plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') % plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') % hold off % % subplot(233) % surf(x,y,10*log10(abs(pmandaccPressure))) % shading interp % view([0 90]) % title('PMandACC') % colorbar % hold on % plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') % plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') % plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') % hold off % subplot(236) % surf(x,y,angle(pmandaccPressure)) % % colormap gray % shading interp % view([0 90]) % title('PMandACC') % colorbar % hold on % plot3(Speaker(:,1),Speaker(:,2),1000*ones(size(Speaker,1)),'wo') % plot3(ZoneA(:,1),ZoneA(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneA,1)),'w.') % plot3(ZoneB(:,1),ZoneB(:,2),10^30*ones(size(ZoneB,1)),'w.') % hold off end